Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cyber Bullying...Let's Put a Stop to It Before It's Too Late

Cyber Bullying has become an increased problem in educational settings.  Cyber Bullying involves bullying over a technology resource.  As we all know, technology is the life of the upcoming generation, but the students are often unaware of the issues that can come up in using these resources. Many students are responsible enough to use sites like Facebook appropriately, while others are still using it to bully. This video outlines the issues that arise over technology communications and gives shocking statistics as reasons why we need to act on the problem.  As future educators, this video should inspire us to help students be aware of the cyber bullying in the world, so that the students do not find themselves caught up in a bullying disaster. Cyber Bullying causes deaths and many depression problems among children.  However, this can be avoided through the awareness of teachers, students, and the community of parents who can all help to make a difference in the lives of students who have experienced cyber bullying.


  1. I glad you find a video about cyber bullying. Over the weekend I have viewed this. A girl on twitter as I typed is going through cyber bullying. She is very upset and so is her mother. They want the bullying to come to a end, but people keep provoking the bullies. This is wrong and cyber bullying affects others who are being bullied.

  2. I agree!! Too many people are unaware of how much this really does effect people. Cyber bullying is not a game, and it should be take more seriously. Sometimes I think that people do not "see" it happening, so those that have never felt it do not understand how extreme it really can be for minors.
