Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Using Videos in Education

We recently learned to use video in an educational classroom. The fun part is writing the script and acting it out, but we also had to learn how to edit the project in the end. Everyone thinks they can make a video, and most are capable of it, but the thought behind the video is what distinguished between a good and bad final product. Our video was a public service announcement about idea of going green (the video is in my last blog post). My group wanted to make an impact on the viewers, so we did take the idea seriously. However, we tried to add some comic relief to the video in order to keep our audience interested. All of these things are what we learned on our own during the time it took us to create our final video. It is important to remember the audience if the group wants a successful video.

Our group had a lot of fun creating our PSA. It was stressful at times trying to come up with a topic and acting ideas, but our group learned very quickly the importance of working as a team. We really did not know how to create the video, but we learned as we continued through the project. Recording the video was very interesting. Our two actors changed the entire script from what was originally practiced. However, they went off the top of their heads and made a fantastic final product. The editing did not start out well for us. We had trouble figuring out the volume level, and we thought we would have to record everything again. However, we learned to smooth out the rough parts, and we all feel that our video is a great representation of what we learned in the unit of video editing. I am sure that with more time allowed, we could have made a more complex video.

Project based learning is very important for future educators to understand. This is obviously an example of project based learning because we were given a new tool and a project to create using the tool. That was all we were given, and we learned to use the tool on our own. This learning style is great for a class like technology because most students will lose interest in a lecture on these topics. However, creating the video gets all students involved and creates an interest in the topic area. Although project based learning cannot be used at all times, it is important to incorporate it as much as possible because many students learn better hands on and will retain the information better from this type of learning style.

Video can be used in many different ways in the educational environment. Teachers can use videos to reinforce topics recently taught in the class. Teachers can also let students create videos in order to show their understanding of a topic. A common use that students like is recreating a scene from a novel that they are reading. Many times teachers use videos as an option that students can choose to do. Some students greatly succeed in the area of media, and video allows students the ability to bring their own creativity to the classroom. Videos can be used in a very negative way too. They should never be used to waste time. Teachers too often put in a video as a way to waste time, so that the teacher can grade tests. Videos allow students a new tool and way of thinking. It is important for educators to allow all students’ creativity flourish, and by incorporating video into a lesson, an educator is doing just that.

Videos are a create use for instruction in the classroom. Some students can better realte to this type of media. Videos are also a fun way for teachers to take a break from the normal lectures and include something new and exciting. Even in college, all of us were excited to watch videos! It is a create way to learn in class, and it mixes up the everyday classroom instruction that students often times get bored with.
Educators can also use video to assess what students have learned. Some students do not take paper tests well, so this is a way to reach the needs of many students. It also allows students to think in a creative light, while still reflecting on what they learned. Students can create videos of them acting out a book plot, and the teacher will clearly know if they students are understanding. Videos take something that is usually not fun (like assessments) and add some enjoyment for the students while still be educational.
Communication is key in an educational setting, and videos can help enhance this. Teachers can use videos for students who may be absent that day. They can record everything on the smart board and then post it to a blog for the students to view. This way the student will not be behind upon returning. The teacher can also record him or herself teaching a lesson if they cannot make it to class one day. Not only does this help out substitutes who may not understand the topic clearly, but it also prevents "blow off days". Substitute teachers are not focused in all areas of study, so this would greatly help them out in teaching a strong lesson to the students.

While this lesson was a lot of fun, the time allowed to create the video was too limited. We could have done so much more experimenting, but we had a very limited amount of time to work in. However, I clearly understand that finals are coming up so we had to crunch it in. Thererfore, I think it was okay to limit the time. We can be thankful that we atleast got some time to work with the program and get a feel for what videos are like in education.

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